February 2024 Recap

It's been an amazing February for the Junior League of Seattle. We started the month with a celebration of our Centennial exhibition at the Museum of History and Industry, which was a huge success! It was a fantastic evening, exceeding our expectations and reminding our members of the historical impact not always seen but often felt in a community due to the work of any Junior League. We got to learn more about our league's history and showcase our unique arts education program, the Northwest Art Project.

As our official training month, our Training Team has scheduled and coordinated over ten training sessions this month. It's been a great opportunity for our members to develop their skills and connect with each other. Our Done in a Day team has also been hard at work, serving our community through various community service shifts. We're proud of the dedication and hard work our members contribute to serving the local Seattle area.

As we look forward to March, which is our Northwest Art Impact Month, we're excited to begin our season of new member recruitment, neighborhood meetings, and the ever-popular Women at the Capitol Day. Spring and the Junior League of Seattle have sprung into action! We can't wait to hit the ground running and continue making a difference in our community.


March 2024 Recap


December 2023 Recap